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Walking is an underrated form of exercise.

Science has shown that simply walking has many health benefits, mentally and physically.

With most of us thinking of walking as a waste of time, it is highly underrated as a physical activity, not to mention the mental boost it gives.

Dr Matt Tanneberg, a Sports Chiropractor and Certified Strength and Conditioning specialist, says that while walking may not be a better workout than running, it is certainly not a form of exercise to be scoffed at, and is often a better choice of exercise for some people. It is lower impact and can be done for longer periods of time, so is a great form of exercise to help reach your health and fitness goals, with plenty of scientific research to back up it's effectiveness in your exercise routine.

So no excuses, get out there and go for a walk, while also getting in some good ole Vitamin D, which in itself has many health benefits as well as helping with improving mood!

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